Monday, May 13

Course: Comparative Perspectives of ELM (1692) - Assignment - 1 Autumm 2023

Course: Comparative Perspectives of ELM (1692)

Q.1 Classify different approaches of comparative education?

Course: School Community Relations (1691) - Assignment - 1 Autumm 2023

Course: School Community Relations (1691)

Q.1 How does a school contribute to the social change and reform process?

Course: School Administration and Supervision (1690) - Assignment - 1 Autumm 2023

Course: School Administration and Supervision (1690)

Q.1 What is the difference between administration, educational administration and

management? Describe the concept of educational administration in detail with


Course: Teaching of English (1655) - Assignment 1 - Autumm 2023

Course: Teaching of English (1655)

Q.1 Discuss the importance of English learning as second language in Pakistan?

Course: Institutional Development (1648) Autumm 2023 assignments1

Course: Institutional Development (1648)

Q.1 Critically evaluate theories that support school developmental plan?

Developing a school developmental plan involves careful consideration of various theories and frameworks to ensure effectiveness and relevance to the school's context. Let's evaluate some key theories that support school developmental planning: